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Home › Brainwash › Ashley Jaymes - Your New Hot Wife
Ashley Jaymes - Your New Hot Wife
22 Jan, 2025
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Your wife calls you at work and like normal you leave it to ring out. She leaves you a strange and urgent voicemail that gets your attention. A new friend is going to be moving in with you both? Will she be hot? Hmmm. This could be an interesting set up. You dash home to find your wife is missing and her friend awaiting you. None of it makes any sense. Her gorgeous cleavage, stocking clad legs, and striking hot red lips leave you speechless. She begins to seduce you. You try to remain faithful but can't fight this mysterious woman. She has you completely under her spell. She wants you. You want her. She wraps her mouth around you, still twiddling your wife's wedding ring, and as you fall deeper into her clasp you no longer know what is reality... Her evil plan is almost complete. She is your wife.
mp4 | 854*480 | 762,54 MB | 00:21:09
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