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Garry on Mistress Stella - Sissy Delirium Hands Free Squirties
06 Feb, 2025

I'll try to find them and add them...
asslover on Mistress Stella - Sissy Delirium Hands Free Squirties
05 Feb, 2025

Thank you!!! I'm so grateful you po...
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Femdom Puppy Play - London Evans Babysits The Sweat Licking Puppy Boy

Femdom Puppy Play - London Evans Babysits The Sweat Licking Puppy Boy
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London is sunbathing outside trying to relax a bit but you won't leave her alone.  She is babysitting you for the weekend but you constantly bother and stare at her.  London says you remind her of a puppy who always wants to be around her and watch her.  So if that's how you want to act, she is going to treat you as a puppy.  She tells you to get down on the ground by her feet and start sniffing her sweaty feet. Ofcourse puppies lick feet too so she tells you to start licking them now... lick them good from her heels to her toes!  There is still more sweat to lick off of her, including the sweet on her legs so start licking up her body.  When you to her bikini bottoms she has you to sniff her wet, sweaty crotch. She knows you like that part but she sniff needs to train you to pay attention to other body parts, including her armpits, so she tells you to get up there to sniff and lick the sweat from them! When she feels you've licked them enough she knows there one other area of her body that you've been waiting for... she stands up and turns around and commands you to get your face right up into her ass!  Get a nice deep whiff of her scent and when you're done with that, don't forget to lick the sweat from her ass checks to all the way down the back of her legs! Now that you've done an adequate job so far licking off the sweat, but she needs to make use of your tongue in one last area as there is sweat building up from her belly button, all the way up her chest and along her neck, so start licking and maybe she will get you a doggy bowl full of water when you're done. Femdom Puppy Play - London Evans Babysits The Sweat Licking Puppy Boy mp4 | 1920*1080 | 587,27 MB | 00:11:00 +10% DAYS OF MEMBERSHIP KEEP2SHARE.CC
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