Hey hows it going? Hope you’re well.
Thanks so much for the new uploads of this wonderful creator.
Thanks for letting me know you got my previous uploads too.
Here is a couple more of her to share…
Decided to move to this page for uploading for now if thats ok?
Glad to see this site has plenty of L1ND53Y fans and even people willing to share what they’ve got too.
That’s amazing and lets keep it up everyone.
I’ve got plenty more of her to share and will keep sending them through here when I can.
Enjoy =)
Any chance you would be able to get this new clip:
Keep up all the great work you guys do here on this site, Thank you so much!
Thank you so much, Howard! I’ve downloaded your clips. I also want to say that I will add this clip, but I need some time for that. Thanks for the request =)
Greetings, I would like to express my gratitude to you and the entire community for your contribution. here are the next clips of the goddess Please download them and let everyone else enjoy them.
Thank you for your contribution to this community =)
Hey no worries I’m glad to see other people will enjoy them and thanks for sharing some here too Albert and anyone else who shares, you’re the best!
And no worries about the request Garry, no pressure at all.
You already do so much for us all here.
Here’s four more clips for you guys to share…
Is there any possibility you could reupload this clip but for free users:
In a way free users can get the full size? Like in two or three smaller parts or give a DL link from another site like mega etc? I’m sorry to ask for that and I understand if it is not possible. Let me know what you can do.
I’ve still got plenty more to share and will continue posting here on this page.
Enjoy! =)
I made it possible to download large files for free. And thank you so much for the wonderful clips! And I downloaded them =)
Hey wow thanks so much for making that clip available, I really appreciate it!
And thanks for letting me know you got them.
I had a day at home today and spent all day uploadng so here is 8 more clips haha.
That will keep you busy for a while.
Still a bunch more to come.
Enjoy! =)
Oh my God! So many clips! Thank you for sharing! =)
I downloaded them
Hi there hope you’re having a good weekend.
Yeah no worries I’m glad to be sharing and seeing them uploaded here is great to see!
Thanks for letting me know you got the previous downloads.
And thanks for all the work you guys do here on this site.
Here’s links to 8 more of her clips…
Let me know that you’ve got them.
I’ve still got more to come. Enjoy everyone =)
Hi Howard,
A huge thank you to you Howard! I have downloaded the clips, and will share them soon on this site =)
Garry, please let me express my huge gratitude to Howard, this dude is really cool.
Hey thanks so much Albert I’m glad I can share and let others enjoy it.
I’ve been enjoying this site for a long time and never contributed at all so it feels good to give back.
And it’s great to see others sharing what they’ve got, thanks for your contributions as well.
Heres two more….
and more on the way 🙂
Thank you, Howard. I’ve already downloaded them =)
Hey there hope you’re doing well.
Thanks for letting me know you got the other clips.
Just sending through a few more for you guys to share.
Wanted to share this new creator and hopefully people enjoy her.
Please find 4 links here:
Thanks for everything you guys do on this site keep it up!
Hello Howard,
Thank you very much, Howard. I will add them to this website soon. I think people will like them. You have a taste for interesting clips
I have downloaded them =)
Hi Garry how are you?
Thanks for letting me know you got them.
haha I’m glad to hear you think those clips are interesting and that people will like them.
Please find here links to 3 More L1nd53Y Clips:
I’ve still got plenty more clips of her to come.
Is there any chance you could fix the link to this clip:
That would be fantastic.
Also I wanted to ask if you could please list what clips are in these two big collection files?
I’m sorry to ask that, I hope its not too annoying or time consuming for you. But I wanted to make sure I haven’t missed anything of hers. It would be greatly appreciated if you would let me know what clips are in those collections.
Please take your time with my requests, there is no rush.
You guys are already performing miracles here on this site so keep it up!!
Thank you =)
Hi Howard,
I will try to find a way to restore this link =) Thank you very much for the clips. I have already downloaded them.
In order to generate a list of clips in these archives, I need some time. I will inform you additionally when I do it.
I enjoy reading such warm reviews from my dear friends on this wonderful website. Thank you, Howard! =)
Hi again Garry hope you are well. Thanks for letting me know you got the clips.
Yep no worries that all sounds good. Let me know if you can get to them eventually but please take your time, I will wait patiently.
Please find links here for 3 more clips of this wonderful Goddess…
Still got plenty more of her to share with you all.
Glad to hear its nice for you to get good reviews, you deserve it.
Hi Howard,
Thank you so much, Howard. I’ve downloaded the clips and will add them soon. =)
Hey how’s it going?
Thanks for letting me know you got them.
Thanks for all your other uploads!! Keep up the great work.
Here’s links to 8 more clips…
Enjoy! =)
Thank you so much for the clips. I’ve already downloaded them!
Hi Peter, I will try to add them to...
I will try to add it...
Hi Limpy, Unfortunately, I can't fi...